Creating a menu of Text items to Insert with Shortcuts on a Mac


Start by Opening the Shortcuts application stored in the Applications folder

With the shortcuts application open, click on the + in the upper right corner of the window to create a new shortcut


This process requires the adding of two steps to the shortcut. The first is a TEXT step to store the text you want to insert from the menu. The second step Copies the text to the clipboard.

Start by double clicking the Text step in the steps menu.

Now enter the text you want to insert such as your name and address.

Now add the Copy to Clipboard step to the Shortcut in the same way. This step requires no additional input.

Now in the File menu at the top of the screen select rename and type a descriptive name to describe the


shortcut function. I used Name and Address.

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Finally Click the small circle with an i in it to show the Shortcut Details.

In this list click on the Show in Menu Bar option.


Using the Shortcut menu.

In the menu bar of the Mac you will see a Shortcut Icon listing the shortcuts you made. Click the menu and select the item you want paste into your document.

Now click your cursor where you want the text inserted and Press Paste

